Temáticas (Themes)

TEMA CENTRAL: Controversias, avances y retos de la medicina perioperatoria.

- III Encuentro de anestesiólogos Cuba-EE.UU.

- 1ra Jornada de anestesiólogos extranjeros formados en Cuba

- IV Jornada de ACT

- Anestesia para cirugía cardiovascular

- Anestesia en cirugía de tórax//Ventilación (Vía aérea)

- Controversias farmacológicas en anestesia

- Vigilancia intraoperatoria

- Mesa redonda: Derechos y responsabilidades legales del anestesiólogo

- Taller de Dolor

- Jornada de Anestesia Obstétrica

- Anestesia en Oncología

- Covid-19 y anestesia

- Anestesia en paciente crítico//Trauma y anestesia

- Anestesia en Pediatría

- Anestesia en Geriatría

- Anestesia para cirugías de acceso mínimo

- Mesa redonda: Protocolos ERAS

- Anestesia para procederes fuera de quirófano y ambulatorios

- Anestesia para cirugía de alto riesgo

- Cuidados pos-anestésicos


CENTRAL THEME: Controversies, advances and challenges of perioperative medicine.

- Third meeting for Cuba-USA anesthesiologists

- First meeting for foreign anesthesiologists trained in Cuba

- Fourth meeting for ACT

- Anesthesia for cardiovascular surgery

- Anesthesia in chest surgery//Ventilation (Airway)

- Pharmacological controversies in anesthesia

- Intraoperative surveillance

- Round table: Legal rights and responsibilities of the anesthesiologist

- Pain Workshop

- Obstetric Anesthesia Day Session

- Anesthesia in oncology

- Covid-19 and anesthesia

- Anesthesia in critical patient//Trauma and anesthesia

- Anesthesia in Pediatrics

- Anesthesia in Geriatrics

- Anesthesia for minimal access surgeries

- Round table: ERAS Protocols

- Anesthesia for procedures outside the operating room and outpatient clinics

- Anesthesia for high-risk surgery

- Post-anesthetic care